Join ATP

Thank you for your interest in joining the Association of Test Publishers.

To join ATP as an organizational member, go to the ATP Global Membership Application Form
To join ATP as an individual subscriber, go to the Subscriber Application Form

If your organizations is already a member of ATP and you want to have your own login information, go to the Existing Member Application Form
Regular and Associate Members will receive a renewal invoice in January.


About ATP

Established in 1992, The Association of Test Publishers is a global non-profit organization representing providers of tests and assessment tools and/or services related to assessment, selection, screening, certification, licensing, educational or clinical uses.

ATP members are pledged to promote and advance the integrity of assessment services and products and their value to society; and dedicated to the highest level of professionalism and business ethics within the test publishing community.

Our Structure

ATP's membership is composed of the leading publishers and assessment services providers in today's testing industry. A CEO and Board of Directors head up the Association. A Chairperson is selected each year from among the Board members and serves a one-year term of office. Each area of testing has its own division: Certification/Licensing, Clinical, Education, Industrial/Organizational and Workforce Skills.  ATP also has Regional Divisions in Asia, India and Europe.

Member Benefits - Download Member Benefits Flyer

  • Networking: Meet your colleagues and leaders in the test publishing / assessment services industry at the ATP General Meeting, annual Conference or at Divisional Meetings throughout the year.

  • Advocacy: ATP members have a voice in the nation's capital, in state legislatures across the U.S. and in the international test publishing community. ATP monitors all legal actions and legislative initiatives that impact the industry and provides members with alerts and updates.

  • Publications: ATP members receive the Test Publisher industry newsletter and have access to the on-line Journal of Applied Testing Technology ("JATT"), providing news on trends and issues in the testing and assessment services industry. ATP members are also eligible for special discounts on model guidelines and publications focusing on copyright and other industry issues.

  • Advertising: ATP members have a listing on the ATP web site with links directly to their organization's web site. And they receive discounts for job listings on the ATP website. ATP members receive a discount for listing job opportunities in the ATP Career Center.

  • Protection: ATP has an active Security Committee which works year round to research test security issues, develop solutions, promote test security awareness, and engage members of the testing community to participate in this industry-wide initiative
Join ATP and invest in the future
of the test publishing / assessment services industry!