Welcome to the ATP EdTech & Accessibility SIG

Our Mission:

To bring together the EdTech sector in combination with Accessibility needs for individuals testing with disabilities in the testing industry in order to advance assessment and testing in education through, innovation, best practice, networking and the exchange of information and expertise. Specifically, within the context of the ATP program, to facilitate dialogue on key issues and challenges in testing for education as EdTech and Accessibility have unique focuses that expand outside of the Education Division.

The EdTech and Accessibility SIG will adopt several strategies to achieve its purposes, including by:

  • Serving as a voice for EdTech and Accessibility related issues in testing and assessment;
  • Encouraging the exchange of information and expertise relevant to the EdTech and Accessibility sector by encouraging networking at ATP conferences and events;
  • Through presentations and contributions to ATP programs; 
  • Facilitating the participation of individuals and organizations within EdTech and Accessibility who are not currently members of the ATP. 
For more information contact: SIG Chair Maria D'Brot

Maria D'Brot, Chair
Vice President of Design and Innovation at FocalPoint Education

Connect with Maria on LinkedIn


Morgan Blisard, Vice Chair
Director, Office of Disability Policy at ETS

Connect with Morgan on LinkedIn



Kristopher John, Secretary
Vice President of Product at New Meridian Corporation

Connect with Kristopher on LinkedIn



Vice President, ProductVice President, ProductNew Meridian Corporation