ATP Virtual Coffee Chats

The Association of Test Publishers (ATP) has introduced a valuable initiative for professional development – monthly virtual coffee chats geared towards newer professionals. Facilitated by Nena Hollis, the Director of Communications for ATP, these casual discussions aim to provide younger and newer professionals in the assessment industry with insights from industry experts. These take place in addition to the monthly coffee talks hosted by the Certification/Licensure Division and the Workforce Skills Credentialing Division (more information about these coffee talks can be found in the Upcoming Events section of ATP's homepage).

Here, you can find recaps of past coffee chats as well as information and registration links for upcoming coffee chats. We hope to see you there!

Upcoming coffee chats:

Stay tuned!


Past coffee chats:

"Using AI for Good in Testing Security" hosted by Marc Weinstein of Caveon Test Security and Rose Hastings of Duolingo

Date: July 23, 2024

"Social Selling on LinkedIn: Optimizing Profiles, Mastering Influence, and Top Tips for Engaging Posts" hosted by Amanda Crowley of Internet Testing Systems (ITS)

  • Date: March 19, 2024
  • Check out the recap post here!


"How is Computational Technology Changing Learning and Assessment?" hosted by Alina von Davier of Duolingo

  • Date: February 14, 2024


"How is AI Impacting our Careers in the Testing Industry?" hosted by John Kleeman of Learnosity and Questionmark

  • Date: January 17, 2024
  • Check out the recap post here!


"What are we Doing to Hit the Ground Running in 2024? Sharing Ideas on How to Get Prepared!" hosted by Brodie Wise of Internet Testing Systems (ITS)

  • Date: December 12, 2023
  • Check out the recap post here


"How to Build/Expand your Network in the Assessment Industry" hosted by Rory McCorkle of Strasz Assessment Systems

  • Date: November 29, 2023
  • Check out the recap post here!