In This Issue...
- ATP Successfully Launches Series of 2020 Virtual Events/ Recordings Available
- ATP Closely Monitors California Privacy Act
- Evaluations Must Go On
- ATP Passes Resolution in Support of Learning Disabilities Community
- Equity Panel Gives Rise to a Call for Action
- Riiid Contest Announced
- Save the Date for ATP's First Computational Psychometrics Summit
ATP Successfully Launches Series of 2020 Virtual Events/ Recordings Available
ATP Goes Virtual...successfully launching a first set of virtual events: The CEO Panel, New World of Testing Webinar Series, Security Summit and the ATP 2020 Global Conference
Programming began in early Spring, as ATP pivoted to connect virtually with members around the globe. First, with a panel of testing industry experts who candidly shared their challenges and their strategies as they adjusted to new environments for testing and learning. Next, ATP rolled out its New Word of Testing webinar series focusing on New Psychometrics; Privacy and the Legal Landscape for Remote Proctoring; and Critical Skills for Learning and Certification During and Post Pandemic.
[Read more here...]
ATP Closely Monitors California Privacy Act
CPRA could serve as model for other U.S. states to follow
he Association of Test Publishers is closely monitoring an initiative on the November 3 ballot in the state of California related to the California Privacy Rights Act (CPRA), also known as Proposition 24. If approved, theCPRA would amend the existing California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) which just went into effect in January and became enforceable in August. [Read more here...]
Evaluations Must Go On
ATP Clinical Division members provide support and guidance to Learning Disabilities Association
"We are definitely onboard with the position that evaluations must go on," remarked ATP Board Member Hazel Wheldon, CEO of Multi-health Systems.Wheldon was reacting to an invitation from the Learning Disabilities Association (LDA) to members of the Association of Test Publishers to work together towards pushing back on the tide of anti-testing that has arisen in the wake of COVID pandemic and which is disproportionately impacting children with learning disabilities. [Read more here...]
ATP Passes Resolution in Support of the Learning Disabilities Community
In a show of support for the Learning Disabilities community, ATP's Board of Directors this month approved a Resolution aligning ATP's mission with those struggling with learning disabilities and the educational communities that serve them. [Read more here...]
Using Assessment to Promote Equity: A Call To Action
What started out as a panel discussion focusing on the hot-button issue of equity and accessibility, held at ATP's Global Virtual Conference in mid-September, turned into a call to action from ATP members to the wider ecosystem of education and technology. [Read more here...]
Riiid Contest Announced
ATP Joins as Institutional Partner/1,000 Teams signed up so far
Riiid Labs has announced the launch of the first-ever global Artificial Intelligence Education (AIEd) Challenge, created to accelerate innovation in education by building a better and more equitable learning model for students around the world. [Read more here...]
ATP Launches First EdTech and Computational Psychometrics Summit
Building Equitable Pathways to Achievement
The Association of Test Publishers is pleased to announce its first Virtual EdTech and Computational Psychometrics Summit (ATP ECPS), scheduled for December 3rd and 4th, 2020. The theme for this inaugural event is Building Equitable Pathways to Achievement. [Read more here...]