ATP Lead by First Chair From Asia: New Board Members and Officers Elected
Mark Your Calendars -- ATP to Host a Slate of Conferences in 2018
Legal/Legislative Updates
ATP Releases New Publications
ATP Celebrates 2018 Award Winners
Updates from the Practice Area Divisions
Thirty Nine Countries Represented at Innovations in Testing 2018
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Visit the ATP Bookstore and see if some of these titles would be a great addition to your professional book shelf:
EU General Data Protection Regulation Compliance Guide Security Survey Report and Security Framework Report
ATP Lead by First Chair From Asia
New Board Members and Officers Elected
The 2018 ATP Board of Directors will be Chaired this year by Alex Tong of ATA Testing Authority, Inc., headquartered in Beijing, China. ATA has been an active member of ATP since 2002 and was the primary champion for ATP's Asia-Regional Division. Prior to joining ATA in 2005, Alex, who has been in the testing business since 1995, held positions with Thomson Prometric and Pearson NCS. He currently serves as Vice President of Business Development at ATA. [Read more...]
Mark Your Calendars -- ATP to Host a Slate of Conferences in 2018
Europe-ATP, India-ATP and the ATP Public Sector SIG are all gearing up for 2018 conferences
The Call for Presentations, Registration and Sponsorship are open for E-ATP's tenth annual conference scheduled for the 26th - 28th of September in Athens, Greece.
The ATP Public Sector SIG is being hosted by NATO at their headquarters in Brussels, Beligium and is scheduled for the 24th - 25th of September. The Call for Presentations is open. This year's theme is: People, Process, Technology -- What is the right balance for public sector recruitment?
India-ATP will hold its 2018 conference in New Delhi at the India Habitat Centre, November 30th. This year's theme is Revamping Standards in India: Improving Evaluation and Assessments for Higher Education and Professionals. [Read more...]
Legal/Legislative Updates
Implications for Education in the U.S. FY 2018 Government Spending Budget & Status of Copyright Office Regulations/Procedures for Secure Tests
ATP General Counsel Alan J. Thiemann Esq., reported that, "the U.S. Congress approved, and the President signed, the government spending bill for fiscal year (FY) 2018 last week. The bill includes large increases for education which is a huge departure from the President's budget submitted to Congress in early 2017.
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ATP Releases New Publications
New publications recently released from ATP include the EU General Data Protection Regulation Compliance Guide, and two books from the Workforce Skills Credentialing Division: Book 1, Security Survey Report and Book 2, Security Framework Report.
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ATP Celebrates 2018 Awards Winners
ATP proudly celebrated its 2018 Award winners, Pat Ward of Internet Testing Systems, recipient of the ATP Career Achievement Award, and Jim Sharf of General Dynamics, recipient of the Professional Contributions and Service to Testing award.
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Updates from Practice Area Divisions
The Following Division Reports were summarized from Board Meeting Proceedings
Certification - Certification Chair Dawn Gibas, of the American Society of Agronomy, reported that the Division held a well-attended luncheon at the Innovations Conference. She also reported that the Recertification and Renewal Sub-committee is working on conducting and analyzing a survey of recertification and renewal best practices and that the Low Volume Exams Sub-committee was working on developing a series of white papers that address very specific issues that small volume programs face on a regular basis.[Read more...]
Thirty Nine Countries Represented at Innovations in Testing 2018
Delegates from 39 global nations, convened at the the 19th annual Innovations in Testing Conference held February 18 - 21 in San Antonio, Texas. [Read more...]