Thank you for your interest in supporting the ATP Learning Academy
The ATP Learning Academy represents the Association’s next step to broaden its educational offerings to member organizations as well as to the wider assessment ecosystem. The Academy is a mission-driven initiative that supports the ATP principle that the education of stakeholders (e.g., users, policymakers, test takers and others) in the generally accepted and equitable use of assessments yields benefits to the assessment enterprise as well as society. The purpose of the Learning Academy (LA) is to address the educational challenge facing the global assessment workforce as it retools in a climate of rapid change and innovation. The challenge spans the assessment enterprise. The Academy will consist of a series of courses, developed over time, that cover basic measurement principles, large scale assessment methods, advances in online proctoring, computational psychometric concepts, large language models (LLMs), gamification, immersive technologies, and much more. We hope you will take the next step and click on the link below so that we can count on your support!