

Welcome to the Asia Division of The Association of Test Publishers (A-ATP) 

The A-ATP is the Regional Division of ATP which is committed to meeting the local needs and interests of the Asian test publishing and test delivery communities and enabling their access to ATP initiatives and activities having global importance and local relevance. The A-ATP aims to establish a robust foundation for shared positions and policies references on critical testing issues, including intellectual property protection, privacy, best practices across testing modalities, cultural adaptation of assessments, interoperability, and innovative testing methods and procedures.

Through diverse activities such as publishing regional Industry White Papers, hosting Special Interest Group (SIG) Initiatives and Seminars, sharing Market Insight Articles, and organizing Cross-Regional Events, the Asia ATP fosters connections among testing and assessment professionals from China, South Korea, Japan, Southeast Asia, and other Asia Pacific regions, linking them with the global publishing communities of North America and Europe. Visit A-ATP Official Website for more details and resources.

The highlight of Asia ATP each year is its Annual Conference, a unique and invaluable platform for professionals from diverse sectors such as education, employment, research, test sponsorship, program management, clinical practice, and business leadership within the assessment industry. Check out the recap videos, photo albums, and the highlights of the past events via A-ATP Annual Conference Website. Stay updated on the latest news about the upcoming A-ATP conferences by following the official Asia ATP Official LinkedIn.

Join Asia ATP to be part of an international network of members committed to advancing the integrity of assessment services and products and their value to a global society.

Interested in getting involved with ATP's Asia-ATP Division? Fill out the contact form and a member of the A-ATP Division will reach out to you.

Contact Alex Tong, Asia ATP Regional Board Representative 

Contact Cassie Li, Asia ATP Secretary

Asia ATP Steering Board: (Check Here for more details)

Connect with Asia ATP Core Standing Team:

Krista Pederson, Division Chair 2024-2025
Managing Director, Asia Pacific, at Hogan Assessment Systems

Connect with Krista on LinkedIn


Humphrey Chan, Division Vice Chair 2024-2025
SVP and Managing Director of APAC at Prometric

Connect with Humphrey on LinkedIn


Alex Tong, Division Secretary General
Vice President at ATA Online

Connect with Alex on LinkedIn


Dr. Changhua Rich, Division Chair 2022-2023
Senior Program Director, International, at ACT

Connect with Changhua on LinkedIn