Inside this issue

Test Publisher News: Volume 17 / Issue 3


ATP & ICE Release New Publication on Item Types


Special Issue of JATT Focuses on Serious Gaming


JATT Rounds Out Its 2017 Publication Series


U.S. Copyright Office Responds to Test Publishers' Concerns


ATP Board Continues Stratetgic Planning Initiative


India-ATP Holds Third Annual Thoughtference


Lone Star State of Texas Gears up to Host Innovations in Testing 2018



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Visit the ATP Bookstore and see if some of these titles would be a great addition to your professional book shelf:

What Everyone Should Know About The Legal Landscape of Testing: A Pocket Handbook
ATP Checklist for EU-US Privacy Shield Registration: A Pocket Guide
Proctoring Best Practices
ATP Guidelines for Legal Protection of Assessment Content
ATP Online Piracy Enforcement Strategies: Guidelines and Best Practices
Operational Best Practices for Statewide Large-Scale Assessment Programs
Assessment Security Options: Considerations by Delivery Channel and Assessment Model
Model Guidelines for Preemployment Integrity Testing, 3rd Edition


ATP & ICE Release New Publication: Innovative Item Types, A White Paper & Portfolio


This collaborative publication is available to ATP & ICE members

This project, which includes both a white paper and an accompanying portfolio of sample items, is the result of collaborative efforts by the Institute for Credentialing Excellence (ICE) and the Association of Test Publishers (ATP). The paper provides an overview of considerations and best practices for incorporating alternative item types into an assessment. The focus of the paper is on credentialing/certification assessments, but many of the same considerations and processes apply to other types of examinations (i.e., assessments for use in educational, industrial/organizational, or clinical settings).

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Special Issue of JATT Focuses on Serious Gaming

ATP's Journal of Applied Testing Technology (JATT) rounded out the 2017 publishing year with a special issue focusing on game-based assessment. The issue is lead off through an introduction co-authored by Pamela M. Kato of Coventry University Serious Games Institute, Faculty of Engineering, Environment and Computing, in Coventry, United Kingdom and Sebastiaan de Klerk of the University of e:Xplain in Amersfoort, Netherlands: Serious Games for Assessment: Welcome to the Jungle.

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JATT rounds out its 2017 publication series with two articles on Remote Proctoring and Balancing Accessibility of Tests with Security


 "Advances in technology have spurred innovations in secure assessment delivery. One such innovation, remote online proctoring, has become increasingly sophisticated and is gaining wider consideration for high-stakes testing," wrote co-authors John A. Weiner and Gregory M. Hurtz of PSIOnline in their JATT published article: A Comparative Study of Online Remote Proctored versus Onsite Proctored High-Stakes Exams.

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U.S. Copyright Office Responds to Test Publishers' Concerns


Questions Still Remain


"While it may not have been a complete about-face, this month's notice modifying its June 12 Interim Rule  [which changed longstanding procedures for registering secure tests], at least represents an attempt by the Copyright Office to fix the problems it created by the original Interim Rule," stated ATP General Counsel Alan Thiemann.

The notice, issued on November 13, from the U.S. Copyright Office states, in part: "Based on the initial comments received on that interim rule, the Office has determined that there is an immediate need to establish a new group registration option for secure test questions and answers and other related materials (referred to as "test items") that are stored in an electronic database, test bank, or other medium of expression. This interim rule incorporates most of the same procedures that the Office adopted in its recent interim rule on secure tests and adds additional procedures for group registration..."

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ATP Board Continues Strategic Planning Initiative

Volunteers Sought for Advocacy Subcommittee


The Board of ATP is currently engaged in revising the strategic plan of ATP in order to ensure that the Association continues to stay relevant and reputable for its members, both now and into the future.

Henrik Skovdahl Hansen, the Board members who is heading up the Subcommittee seeking to refocus on ATP's Advocacy strategy explained, "as part of this strategic work the issue of advocacy is a major component and concern. The initial work of the Advocacy Sub-Committee has been focusing on creating a revised definition of Advocacy. This definition was recently approved by the ATP Executive Board and is now ATP's official position on Advocacy and as such the cornerstone of the work in the Sub-Committee."

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Presentations Foucs on Link Between Higher Ed and the Workplace


 After holding its first two conferences in New Delhi, I-ATP shifted its location this year and brought what they refer to as their third annual "Thoughtference" to Bangalore.

"We were seeking to expand our horizons this year, and perhaps appeal to more of an educational technology audience," explained I-ATP Director Soumitra Roy of Prometric. Soumitra pointed out that Bangalore is known as the "Silicone Valley" of India.

David Bearfield, Director of the European Personnel Office (EPSO) keynoted the event with a presentation on Testing Time Ahead -- Trends and Challenges for the Testing Community.   His remarks were followed by a presentation from Pawan Adhikari, ACT's Regional Business Development Director for Asia, who gave an overview of ACT's Assessments for the 21st Century.  [Read more...]

The Lone Star State of Texas Gears up to Host Innovations in Testing 2018

Keynote speakers to focus on Brilliance, Technology and Creativity

Simon Bailey, Speaker, Innovator - Educator - Writer will provide the opening keynote address at Innovations in Testing 2018 scheduled for February 18 -21, at the J.W. Marriott Hill Country in San Antonio, Texas.  Simon's presentation is titled Shift Your Brilliance in which he will address the critical strategies that allow testing industry professionals to stay relevant in an economy that is questioning the value and validity of traditional methods. He will share core principles for acquiring a forward-looking mindset while teaching participants to cultivate the insight needed to define and drive the future of their industry. [Read more...]